Countering disinformation

Communication on public health topics passes through channels now accessible to all, and an the use of persuasive techniques, subjective speculations and hasty hypotheses can often lead to inexact conclusions with no basis in scientific evidence.

We, however, believe that in medicine the real value of communication must be measured on certified reliability. The truth of the data and statistical evidence, even taking into consideration the less opportune and convincing aspects, are the evaluation criteria of the scientific and health communities who are the sole bearers of the burden and the responsibility of guaranteeing public health.

The articles in this section analyse and respond to the main theories of the anti-vaccination movements, who operate mainly on the Internet spreading experimental evidence and news that is not supported by data. This causes misleading consequences, inaccurate results, illusory myths and urban legends: or in a word, disinformation.

Available articles 2

Answers to major objections on vaccinations 14